Entry to the 2024 Canada OSPAs is open!

Jun 26, 2024News

Entry to 3rd Canada Outstanding Security Performance Awards (OSPAs), is now open and nominations are invited in 12 categories.

The OSPAs are designed to be both independent and inclusive; providing an important opportunity to recognise and celebrate the work of those dedicated companies, individuals and teams who deliver outstanding security products and services.

The OSPAs currently have schemes running in 48-countries and have been designed to be ethical, are based on values of being independent, credible, respectable, and transparent; providing a level playing field for all that enter.

Entry is open through to 24th September 2024 and nominations are free to submit in the following categories:

  • Outstanding In-House Security Manager/Director
  • Outstanding Contract Security Manager/Director
  • Outstanding Security Team
  • Outstanding Contract Security Company (Guarding)
  • Outstanding Security Training Initiative
  • Outstanding New Security Product
  • Outstanding Security Partnership
  • Outstanding Security Officer
  • Outstanding Young Security Professional
  • Outstanding Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Initiative
  • Outstanding Security Sustainability Award
  • Lifetime Achievement

The judges are nominated by leading security associations and special interest groups to represent them – they all sign up to an ethics policy and agree to mark independently against set criteria and declare any conflict of interest on every mark sheet.

From this year, winning entries submitted in all categories will automatically be entered into our Global OSPAs which will take place virtually at the beginning of 2025. You can find out more information here. The Lifetime Achievement Award winner will be inducted into the Security Hall of Fame. Learn more here.

Winners will be revealed at a virtual awards ceremony to take place on Thursday, 28 November 2024.

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